Prediction Analysis of Retail Store Sales Level using Neural Network Algorithm Method based on Customer Segments
Analisis Prediksi Tingkat Penjualan Toko Ritel menggunakan Metode Algoritma Neural Network berbasis Segmen Pelanggan
Prediction, Retail Store Sales Level, Marketing Mix 4P, Neural Network, RapidMinerAbstract
Marketing activities have an important role in business and marketing mix is one of the strategies used to achive company goals. This study uses the Neural Network because it is commonly flexible in processing large amounts of data dan the use of RMSE must be used to determine the accuracy of the model used. The results state that the visual results in each segment show that between the actual value and the predicted value, the deviation is pretty close and can be said to be close to the value of the actual data. A 4P marketing mix strategy can be applied so that the company has the opportunity to increase the number of sales. The research concluded that the results of the prediction data set, visual prediction results, and RMSE using the Neural Network method can be used effectively and accurately to forecast sales and help company owners and management.
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