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Study of Prototype Making of Liquid Smoke Production Equipment From Tree Trunk Waste and Used Wood

Studi Pembuatan Prototype Alat Produksi Asap Cair dari Limbah Batang Pohon dan Kayu Bekas




Apparatus For Producing Liquid Smoke, Used Wood Waste, Tree Trunk Wasted, Pyrolysis, Distillation


The use of natural waste such as tree trunks, used wood and corn cobs is very important in reducing waste and supporting sustainability. This community service activity uses waste tree trunks and used wood as raw materials to make a prototype liquid smoke production tool. The process begins with tool design, followed by manufacturing components. Equipment testing includes effective capacity, temperature rise rate, combustion test, yield test, weight of residual charcoal from combustion, and temperature rise rate during distillation. The results show that the average effective capacity of the tool is 0.5L/hour, with a yield of 35.34%. The highest liquid smoke yield was 1.9L in the third experiment, and the lowest was 1.65L in the second experiment. The density of liquid smoke is 1.01 Kg/L. This tool produces total of 4.3 Kg of charcoal residue from three trials, and 400mL of distilled liquid smoke from 1000 mL in 80 minutes


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