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The Digital Based Posyandu Service Design in Ganggang Panjang Village

Perancangan Layanan Posyandu Berbasis Digital di Desa Ganggang Panjang




Designing Systems, Posyandu Program, Management System


Ganggang Panjang Village is located in Tanggulangin District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java Province. In this village there are often queuing problems in the implementation of posyandu and data processing, because the cadres want to solve this frequently occurring problem and the data processing process is still manual. This is an obstacle for posyandu cadres. Based on the problems that occurred, a solution to the problem as found to design a Posyandu Service System that could run in various browsers. This website was designed using Agile Web Development which will go through a process of design, documentation and maintenance. This
website can carry out the process of collecting data, recording and reporting. The final results of the implementation process are in the form of PHP, JS programming. This website can help cadres to handle every problem and become a village with current technological developments.



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