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Analysis of the Accuracy of Injury and Poisoning Diagnosis Codes at 'Aisyiyah Siti Fatimah Tulangan Hospital

Analisis Keakuratan Kode Diagnosis Cedera dan Keracunan di Rumah Sakit 'Aisyiyah Siti Fatimah Tulangan




coding, Medical Record, injuries, poisoning


Clinical coding is the activity of transforming the diagnosis of disease, medical procedures and other health problems from words into a code, to facilitate data storage, retrieval and analysis. The purpose of this study was to analyze the accuracy of the diagnosis of injury and poisoning at the 'Aisyiyah Siti Fatimah Tulangan Hospital. The research method used qualitative. The informants in this study were 2 coding officers and the research object was 47 inpatient medical records. The results of this study indicate that from the reliability dimension, the most inaccuracy was found in the criteria for external causes not coded, in the completeness dimension, the most incompleteness was found in the criteria for doctor's actions not filled in, in the legibility dimension, the most illegibility was found in the criteria for doctor's actions not filled in, and in the definition dimension, results were still inconsistent.



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