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The Effect of Rotor Blade Angle on the Performance of Darrious Wind Turbine Using NACA 0015 Airfoil

Pengaruh Sudut Rotor Blade terhadap Unjuk Kerja Darrieus Wind Turbine dengan Menggunakan Airfoil NACA 0015




wind turbine, solidworks, qblade, ansys, NACA 0015


Wind turbines are categorized into vertical-axis and horizontal-axis types. Vertical-axis wind turbines can operate at lowiwind speeds, with the Darrieus turbine being a notable example. This study aims to evaluate the performance of a vertical-axis Darrieus wind turbine model with NACA 0015 airfoil in Sidoarjo Regency. The rotor angles of the Darrieus turbine will be tested. Numerical methods are used to determine the turbine model, employing Solidworks for design, and Qblade and Ansys for 2D and numerical analysis. Given the varying rotor angles of the Darrieus turbine, this research examines the optimal rotor angle specifications for the NACA 0015 airfoil in Sidoarjo. The angles tested are 5°, 10°, 15°, -5°, -10°, and -15°, with a-wind speed input of-5 m/s in Qblade and Ansys software.


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