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Socialization of Awareness for Middle School Adolescents in Sidoarjo in Facing Cyberbullying

Sosialisasi Kewaspadaan Remaja SMP di Sidoarjo dalam Menghadapi Cyberbullying




CyberBullying, social media, Community Services


This Social media has become a habit for many people, especially teenagers. Apart from being useful as an entertainment tool, social media also functions as a means of gathering and conveying information. However, it is not uncommon to encounter acts of attack in the form of writing or posting on social media which is often referred to as cyberbullying. This can have an impact on a person's psychology, especially teenagers aged 12-17 who spend almost half their time staring at and playing on social media. Therefore, it is necessary to hold community service activities (abdimas) to increase understanding regarding the meaning of social media, the advantages of social media, the disadvantages of social media, as well as the understanding, types, impacts and ways to overcome cyberbullying. 


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