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Prototype Energy Saving Car Chasiss Design Using Hollow Galvalum 4x4 2mm Thick Material

Rancang Bangun Chassis Mobil Hemat Energi Tipe Prototype Dengan Material Hollow Galvalum 4x4 Tebal 2mm




chassis, energy efficient car, hollow galvalume 4x4


Designing an energy-efficient prototype car chassis is a crucial step in developing environmentally friendly and energy-efficient vehicles. This study focuses on using 4x4 hollow galvalume material with a thickness of 2mm as the primary chassis material. The main objective is to analyze deflection at the driver's position using a frame model equipped with brackets and a roll bar. The finite element method simulation was employed to measure deflection values at the driver’s position under different loads: 70kg, 80kg, and 90kg. The results indicate that deflection values increase with the load. Using 4x4 hollow galvalume with a 2mm thickness shows potential for creating a lightweight yet strong and safe chassis. These findings have positive implications for the development of energy-efficient cars that prioritize driver safety and energy efficiency, contributing significantly to future environmentally friendly vehicle technology.


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