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Application of Bag and Leather Craft Center Program to Improving Economy Welfare of IKM Society (Case Study of Bag and Skin Craft Centre of Tanggulangin District Sidoarjo City)

Penerapan Program Revitalisasi Sentra Kerajinan Tas dan Kulit Dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Masyarakat IKM (Studi Kasus di Sentra Kerajinan Tas dan Kulit Kecamatan Tanggulangin Kabupaten Sidoarjo)




Application Of Tanggulangin Revitalitation Program, Economy welfare


This research study aims to analyze how the Implementation of the Tanggulangin Revitalization Program in Improving the Economic Welfare of SME Communities in the Handicraft Center of Bags and Leather Sub-district of Tanggulangin District of Sidoajo Regency, as well as identifying what factors are the supporters and obstacles in the Implementation of the Tanggulangin Revitalization Program in Improving the Economic Welfare of SME Communities in the Handicraft Center of Bags and Leather Sub-district of Tanggulangin District of Sidoajo Regency. (1) that the revitalization program aims to increase the sales and existence of handicraft and leather industry center. (2) The existence of the target group has achieved the objectives of the Sidoarjo district industry and trade office which includes Intako cooperatives, business people and the community. (3) the implementation of the program has been fulfilled, in this case the Tanggulangin Revitalization has a program focused on 3 things.


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