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Development off Social Media to Increase Sales Batik Local Brand "Qabudayan"

Pengembangan Media Sosial dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Penjuaan Brand Batik Lokal "Qabudayan"




Development, Social Media, Sales, Local Fashion, Batik


"Qabudayan"  the main objective of this business is to market and sell online products in the ready-to-wear category with a focus on traditional batik motifs. Currently, "Qabudayan ” facing challenges such as t the lack of readiness of sales systems, marketing operations, and human resource management (HR), thus hampering online sales efforts. The aim of this activity is to help "Qabudayan" develops its social network by providing attractive product photos and creative marketing of quality content on the Instagram platform. This is expected to increase the effectiveness of online marketing and sales activities. The process of community service activities takes place in three steps. Expected results from This community service activity is able to support "Qabudayan" in developing the Instagram social network so that it can create professional photo and video content.


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