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Analysis of the Impact of Exhaust Gas Emissions on Diesel Fueled Vehicles in View From the Year of Manufacture

Analisa Dampak Emisi Gas Buang pada Kendaraan Berbahan Bakar Solar Ditinjau dari Tahun Pembuatan




ANOVA, Gas Emissions, RPM, Smoke density


Air pollution is a condition caused by exhaust gas from motor vehicles operating on the roads. In order to minimize air pollution from getting bigger, the government is making preventive efforts by carrying out vehicle emissions tests, whic are carried out regularly, which are currently being carried out targeting transport vehicles. This research aim to determine the year of the vehicle that produces the dominant emission gas tested based on the year of the vehicle with the L300 type of diesel fueled vehicle. The method used is experimental using two way Anova analysis. The research results show that vehicles with a long lifespan produce high emissions of gases. This is in accordance with the results of the ANOVA test which accepts the statement that there is at least one vehicle age that has a significant effect on smoke concentration.


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