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Preprint / Version 1

Development of Product Based on Food Local Ingridients: Making Pumpkin Brownies

Pengembangan Produk Berbasis Bahan Pangan Lokal: Pembuatan Brownies Tepung Labu Kuning




Pumkins, Brownies, Flour, Local , Food, Ingredients


This book is entitled 'Making Pumpkin Brownies' which aims to provide business ideas and to provide understanding to the public about the benefits of developing products based on local food ingredients. This book uses the Multiple Attribute test methodology or commonly called the Zeleny method. The Zeleny method itself was chosen to determine the best treatment from the 8 treatment samples obtained. In the final results, it was found that the best treatment for this test was the T4M1 sample which used 100% pumpkin flour and 11% cooking oil content.


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