Design of RFID Based Locker Security Device Google Spreadsheet
Perancangan Alat Pengaman Loker Berbasis RFID Google Spreadsheet
Google Spreadsheet, Locker, RFIDAbstract
This research explores the design and testing of an RFID-based locker security system integrated with Google Spreadsheet. Utilizing a Research and Development (R&D) approach, the study aims to create a system for efficient user access management. Tests evaluated the RFID sensor's accuracy across various conditions and distances, and the system's ability to transmit data to Google Spreadsheet. Results indicated that the RFID sensor achieved 100% accuracy at distances of 0.5 to 5 cm through paper and plastic, while metal barriers obstructed detection. Plastic did not affect RFID signals, but metal caused failures by reflecting them. The system successfully transmitted RFID tag data to Google Spreadsheet, accurately identifying registered UIDs and rejecting unregistered ones. Consequently, the RFID-based locker security system proves effective in managing access and enhancing security.
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