Study of Impact Strength and Bending Strength of Composite Reinforced with Sansevieria Fiber (Mother-in-Law's Tongue) with Variations in the Addition of Starch ( Tapioca Flour )
Studi Kekuatan Impact dan Kekuatan Bending pada Komposit Diperkuat Serat Sansevieria (Lidah Mertua) dengan Variasi Penambahan Amilum (Tepung Tapioka)
natural fiber, sansevieria fiber, starch, hand lay upAbstract
Natural fibers are an effort to increase mechanical strength. One way to get good reinforcement from natural fibers is to increase the concentration of starch which has adhesive properties in starch or starch, which can maximize the matrix in sansevieria fibers. This research The aim is to determine the effect of the strength of sansevieria fiber composites with the addition of starch concentration which will later be aimed at further research development. Making the composite uses the hand lay up method with a fiber weight fraction volume of 30%, adding a starch or tapioca flour concentration of 6%, 7%, 8 %, 9%, 10%. Mechanical tests are impact tests and bending tests. In good impact tests using the addition of starch, while bending tests are better without adding starch concentration because the elastic modulus is higher compared to adding variations of starch. or tapioca flour and composite materials are more elastic.
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