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The Effect of the Number of NACA 0015 Blade Rotor on VAWT Performance

Pengaruh Jumlah Rotor Blade NACA 0015 Terhadap Kinerja VAWT




Wind, Blade Rotor, CP, TSR, NACA 0015


Today's energy needs are growing, this is due to the abundance of activities carried out by human beings, in the economic and industrial sectors. Now that a lot of oil-fuel replacement energy has begun to emerge, one of the more developed environmentally friendly resources is wind energy. In this study, a simulation experiment will be carried out. There are three variations that will be worn using 2, 3, 4 blade rotors. The variation of wind speed applied is 3, 5, 7 m/s. The purpose of this research is to find the influence of the number of blades on the performance of wind turbines. The results are obtained in this experiment are qualitative data in the form of graphic Cp against TSR. Of the 4 variations used variations with a total of 4 blade rotors have the highest Cp with a value of 0.328 at TSR 2.5.


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