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The Effect of Bow Flare Angle Variations on Speed Boat Resistance

Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Bow Flare Terhadap Hambatan pada Speed Boat




bow flare angle, speed boat, hydrodynamic resistance, speed variaton, energy efficiency


This study analyzes the effect of bow flare angle variations on hydrodynamic resistance in speed boats using numerical simulations with Maxsurf Resistance software and Savitsky Pre-Planing, Savitsky Planing, and Holtrop calculation methods. Variations of 25º, 30º, and 35º bow flare angles were analyzed at speeds of 17, 19, and 21 knots. Results show the 35º angle provides the lowest resistance of 34 kN and requires only 367,163 kW power at 21 knots, more efficient than the 25º angle with the highest resistance of 34.2 kN and 369,739 kW power requirement. The analysis confirms larger bow flare angles can reduce resistance and increase energy efficiency, crucial for speed boat design and operation. This research aims to benefit speed boat designers and operators in achieving optimal performance by selecting the appropriate bow flare angle to minimize resistance and fuel consumption.


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