IoT-based Prototype Design of PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Pasuruan's Post-Paid Customers' Temporary Electricity Circuit Breaker
Desain Purwarupa Pemutus Sementara Aliran Listrik Pelanggan Pasca Bayar PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Pasuruan Berbasis IoT
Arduino Uno, Android Bluetooth Controller, HC-05, Internet of ThingsAbstract
Delinquent customer payment behavior negatively impacts electricity distribution sustainability, prompting temporary disconnection by utility providers. The research method used is research and development by developing a mobile disconnection application using an Arduino Uno microcontroller, HC-05 module, and an Android Bluetooth Controller. Testing demonstrated the HC-05's effective 4m connectivity range, with a 0.8-second command delay from the Android application to the Arduino Uno for electricity cut-off. This IoT-based voltage breaker application enhances officer efficiency and service speed in managing late-paying customers, contributing to improved utility operations.
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