DOI of the published article
Classification of Career Interests of High School Students Using the C4.5 Algorithm
Klasifikasi Minat Karir Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Menggunakan Algoritma C4.5
classification, career interests, SMA, Algorithm C4.5Abstract
The study endeavors to provide support to SMA Negeri 1 Wringinanom in facilitating students' decision-making processes concerning their future careers. It employs analytical approach, utilizing the C4.5 algorithm to dissect data collected from 76 students across grades X and XI. This data encompasses a spectrum of variables including gender, chosen major, academic and non-academic achievements, extracurricular interests, attendance records, warning letters, and career inclinations. The analysis yields intriguing insights: 80% confidence level opting for employment, 72.2% confidence level in pursuing further education, 50% confidence level in contemplating marriage, and 80% confidence level in considering official service positions. Noteworthy is the disparity in confidence levels among the various career paths: work and official service choices exhibit robust confidence, education choices show moderate level of certainty, while civil service options manifest the lowest confidence levels. This nuanced understanding enables targeted guidance strategies, enhancing students' clarity and conviction in their chosen career trajectories.
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