Design of an Automatic Control System for a Conventional LPG Gas Stove Based on Arduino Uno
Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Otomatis Kompor Gas Elpiji Konvensional Berbasis Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno, Conventional LPG Stove, Two-Position Control (on-off control), Metal Detector SensorAbstract
One of the activities associated with the use of LPG stoves is cooking. Cooking consists of several types, one of which is boiling water. However, in the process of lighting the LPG gas stove, housewives often find it difficult because the lighter does not work properly. This research was conducted to design and create an automatic control system on a conventional LPG gas stove with a two-position control type (on-off control). The system uses a metal detector sensor to detect metal. The microcontroller used is Arduino Uno, the resulting system output is an LPG gas stove that turns on automatically. Thus, with the control system can overcome the problems due to the lighter does not work optimally.
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