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Effect of Shel Suxxx Fuel, Shel V-Poxxx, Shel Suxxx Mixture and Shel V-Poxxx 50/50, and Shel V-Poxxx Mixture With Ethanol 90/10, on Exhaust Gas Emissions and Engine Temperature on the Yamaha R-15 Motorcycle.

Pengaruh Bahan Bakar Shel Suxxx, Shel V-Poxxx, Campuran Shel Suxxx dan Shel V-Poxxx 50/50, dan Campuran Shel V-Poxxx dengan Etanol 90/10, Terhadap Emisi Gas Buang dan Temperature Mesin Pada Motor Yamaha R-15.




Exhaust Emissions, Shel Fuel, Engine Temperature


Exhaust gas emissions are gases produced from the combustion of a motorbike engine. This research aims to determine several differences in the values of exhaust emission levels and engine engine temperatures from the use of four types of fuel variations. At rpm 2000-8000 rpm with a time span of 3 minutes at each rpm. From the research test results, the lowest CO emission levels were at 8000 rpm engine speed on BBM4 with a value of 3.19% vol. The highest HC emission level is in BBM3 with a value of 1265 ppm at an engine speed of 8000 rpm. The CO2 emissions that appear to be the most stable are at BBM4 with an average of above 10%. O2 emissions which show the number 0 are in BBM2 at engine speeds of 6000 and 7000 rpm, also in BBM3 at engine speeds of 2000-4000 rpm.


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