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Designing a Village Information System Using the Scrum Method

Perancangan Sistem Informasi Desa Menggunakan Metode Scrum




information system, websites, Public services


Information systems have become a vital component of governance as times progress. Desa Pungging still relies
on direct information delivery and manual document processing, such as domicile and death certificates, at the village office, leading to inefficiencies in time and effort for the community. This research focuses on designing a web-based village information system for Desa Pungging. The system is designed to provide comprehensive support for village officials and residents in conducting various activities. Intensive training on system usage is crucial to ensure understanding and optimal utilization by stakeholders. Based on testing using the black box method, the system runs smoothly as designed. It is hoped that this system will optimize service data processing and provide comprehensive, easily accessible village information, including vision and mission, village profile, community institution information, and document services.


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