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Efficiency of Motorcycle Disassembly Process Using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Method at Berkah Motor Workshop

Efisiensi Proses Disassembly Sepeda Motor Menggunakan Metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) pada Bengkel Berkah Motor




check sheet, diagram fishbone, FMEA


Berkah Motor Workshop is one of the highly developed automotive industries. Berkah Motor Workshop tries to achieve customer satisfaction by maintaining the quality of the products provided. Defects in a product produced, greatly affects the level of quality and customer satisfaction with the product produced. The problem that occurs is that the Berkah Motor Workshop has not been able to streamline the Motorcycle Disassembly process so that defects or defects after the Disassembly process cannot be reduced. Another problem that occurs is the delay in decision making in dealing with process failures that occur. This is because operators often wait for managers to identify process failures that occur so that a lot of time is wasted. After several methods such as making manual books, check sheets, Fishbone Diagrams, FMEA. Can reduce loading time kurag more than 1 hour with the treatment of these methods and show satisfactory results.


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