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Design and Build a Web-Based Crowdfunding Platform Using Rapid Application Development. Case Study: Alifarm Digital

Rancang Bangun Platform Crowdfunding Berbasis Web Menggunakan Rapid Application Development. Studi Kasus: Alifarm Digital




Crowdfunding, RAD, UAT, Alifarm


Farm owners often face various challenges, particularly related to financing. Securing sufficient capital to develop or operate a goat farm is frequently a major obstacle for farmers. This research focuses on developing a web-based crowdfunding platform using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology. The case study is centered on Alifarm Digital, with the goal of providing a comprehensive system for financing goat farming projects. Implementing RAD ensures the creation of a high-quality system quickly and efficiently, tailored to the needs of farmers, investors, and administrators. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) plays a crucial role in ensuring the platform meets user expectations and requirements. This platform holds promise in bridging the financing gap for farmers and reducing fraudulent practices in agricultural financing.


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