Implementation Of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) And The Kano Method To Analyze Customer Satisfaction On 19 Liters Of Packed Drinking Water Products
Implementasi Importance Peformance Analysis (IPA) Dan Metode Kano Untuk Menganalisa Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Produk Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (Amdk) 19 Liter
Bottled Drinking Water, Customer Satisfaction, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Kano Model, Sedengan Mijen VillageAbstract
Bottled drinking water is water that has been processed without additives and then packaged and safe for consumption. Bottled bottled products also vary widely, ranging from 250 ml packages to products with 19 liter packaging. However, the number of bottled water product brands that have appeared has resulted in this product being rarely compared to other brands of products, coupled with cases of counterfeiting, giving rise to various opinions among consumers, both positive and negative opinions. The results of IPA-Kano there are 11 attributes that are considered satisfactory by customers and 13 attributes that require improvement. However, there are 3 attributes that have the most significant influence (in the fatal category) including those that have natural ingredients (KA5), appropriate packaging (GA17), gallon shipment conformity (DA22). Where these attributes require improvement and improvement by prioritizing improvements to be able to play a role in maintaining customer or consumer satisfaction.
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