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Design of Toko Tani Indonesia Center Marketplace Web Based Application

Perancangan Aplikasi Marketplace Toko Tani Indonesia Center Berbasis Web




Designing Systems, E-commerce, Website


In this modern era, technological advancements are influencing the increasing popularity of trade digitalization within society. Companies are increasingly in need of information systems to market their products. The appeal of purchasing basic necessities at Toko Tani Indonesia Center is highly favored by the community. Besides offering products at varied prices, Toko Tani Indonesia Center provides excellent service. In order to enhance the prime service at Toko Tani Indonesia Center, a web-based marketplace application is created with the aim of boosting product sales, expanding product sales information, and facilitating user access and transactions. Previous research indicates a lack of features in existing marketplaces. Therefore, additional features have been incorporated into this marketplace, including transaction history, sales reporting with graphs, selectable payment methods, and the addition of a WhatsApp chat feature. The RAD (Rapid Application Development) method was chosen to guide the development of this application. 


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