Quality Control of Chicken Feed Products Using Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Fault Tree Analyses (FTA)
Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Pakan Ayam Menggunakan Statistical Process Control (SPC) dan Fault Tree Analisys (FTA)
Quality Control, Defective Products, Statistical Process Control, Fault Tree AnalysisAbstract
PT XYZ is a multinational company in the Pasuruan district. Chicken feed products produced on average around 10,000 tons per month. However, there are still defective products of 690 tons or 0.11%. The quality control of chicken feed production implemented by the company has not been optimized properly, therefore, efforts must be made to analyze quality control measures. The statistical Process Control and Fault Tree Analysis methods are applied to seek to minimize these defective products. SPC is an application of statistical techniques to control various processes and FTA is used to identify the workflow in the production process in the company. The most dominant types of defects in chicken feed products are mixed feed with a result of 266 tons or 36.6%, non-uniform feed particle size with a result of 220 tons or 31.9%, and mismatch of feed with bags with a result of 2604 tons or 29.6%.
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