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Implementation of Progressive Web Apps on Digital Freelance Platform with Rapid Application Development Method

Implementasi Progressive Web Apps pada Platform Freelance Digital dengan Metode Rapid Application Development




Freelancer, Progressive Web Apps, Rapid Application Development, Service Worker, Implementation PWA


In recent years, the number of freelancers in Indonesia has increased significantly. Many people choose to freelance because of the flexibility of time, greater earning potential, and control over work. Freelancers can also assign work to partners on digital freelance platforms when orders pile up. Digital freelance platforms connect partners and freelancers via websites, but visiting the website URL repeatedly is less efficient. Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are the solution to this problem. This research aims to implement PWA on a digital freelance platform. The method used is Rapid Application Development (RAD) with Requirements Planning, Design Workshop and Implementation stages. The research results show that PWA was successfully implemented and well received, with an average user satisfaction of 93.5% in the "Very Good" category.


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