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Rat Repellent in Rice Fields Using Sound Sensors and Solar-Powered BEN 5M-MFR Autonic Sensors

Alat Pengusir Hama Tikus di Persawahan Menggunakan Sensor Suara dan Sensor Autonic BEN 5M-MFR Bertenaga Surya




BEN5M-MFR Sensor, Pests Control, Solar Panel, Ultrasonic Wave


Rice is a staple food in Indonesia, but pests like rats and birds often cause substantial crop failures. This research developed a technological solution using solar power to deter these pests and optimize yields. The study employed a research and development approach, testing components including solar panels, a timer, a FC-04 sound sensor, and autonic BEN5M-MFR sensor. Results show the sensor can detect pests within a 7m range, triggering ultrasonic waves regulated by the timer to effectively repel rats and birds. The solar panel sustained 13V throughout the day, and the battery powered the system for 7 hours, demonstrating the viability of the solar-powered design to meet operational needs. This innovation contributes to enhancing food security by mitigating the impact of pests on rice cultivation through the integration of renewable energy technology.


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Author Biography

Indah Sulistiyowati, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Program Studi Teknik Elektro


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