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Effect of Sudden Enlargement Aspect Ratio on Head Losses Laminar Flow

Pengaruh Aspek Ratio Luasan Sudden enlargement Terhadap Head Losses Aliran Laminar




Headloss, Aspect Ratio, Sudden Enlargement


enlargement with specimen ratios of 1, 2, and 3 acrylic tube diameters 0.2D, 0.4D, and 0.6D. By knowing the Head Loss found in the three acrylic pipes, then the value of the pressure loss that occurs will be known. In this research, debit is used 0.0005m3/s, which flows in the channel. The pressure that occurs on the inlet side (D1) and the outlet side pipe (D2) Sudden Expansion will be measured by a U manometer. Head Loss is calculated from the difference the pressure that occurs in each flow at each aspect ratio. From the results of this research it was found that the greater the aspect ratio, the smaller the Head Loss that occurs, namely at 0.2D aspect ratio of 0.0043 meters, 0.4D aspect ratio of 0.00097 meters, aspect ratio 0.6D is 0.00067 meters.


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