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Problematic Addition of Fraction in Class IV Elementary School

Problematika Penjumlahan Pecahan di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar




Addition of fractions, Learning problems, Elementary School


This study aimed to examine the challenges encountered in teaching fraction addition to fourth-grade students at SDN BORO. It employed a descriptive qualitative approach, utilizing a case study methodology. Data collection methods included tests and interviews, the latter of which aimed to clarify the perspectives of both teachers and students. Data analysis involved reduction, presentation, and verification techniques. The findings revealed that students often struggled with conceptual, procedural, and verbal aspects of fraction addition. These difficulties stemmed from carelessness during problem-solving, insufficient grasp of fraction formulas, misunderstanding of problem contexts, and inability to represent fractions visually. The insights gained from this research can assist teachers in identifying and addressing students' challenges in mastering fraction addition.


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