Development of Electronic Device Controllers with NodeMCU via Telegram Bot
Pengembangan Pengendali Perangkat Elektronik dengan NodeMCU Melalui Bot Telegram
Electronic Device Control, Telegram Bot, NodeMCUAbstract
This research integrates NodeMCU, an IoT microcontroller, with Telegram bots for remote control and real-time monitoring of electronic devices. NodeMCU, as an open-source microcontroller, enables the management of devices connected to a preprogrammed Telegram bot. The purpose of this research is to create an efficient electronic device control system using Telegram bot and display the power consumption of electric current. The method used is Waterfall with SDLC approach. The results showed that controlling IoT-based electronic devices can be done through Android smartphones by combining Telegram bots as controllers connected to NodeMCU, so that commands can be sent to Pzem-004T to monitor and control electric power consumption.
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