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Use of Instagram Stories Feature as Self Disclosure Media on @Azkhategar Account

Penggunaan Instagram Stories Sebagai Media Self Disclosure Pada Akun @Azkhategar




Instagram Stories, Social Media, Self Disclosure


This study explores the use of Instagram Stories features as a self – disclosure media on @Azkhategar account. Self – disclosure is a form of communication in which individuals disclosure information to others. Through her Instagram account, Azkha actively self – disclosure with an average of 8 to 15 posts per day, showcasing aspects of herself such a lifestyle, fashion, and make – up. This study uses descriptive qualitative approach with non – participant observation and data analysis of Miles & Huberman model and the main theory used in this study is the theory of self – disclosure. The results showed that the use of Instagram Stories provides a platform for Azkha to strengthen her existence, build closeness with her followers and express herself creatively.This research also contributes to the understanding of the use Instagram Stories in the context of self – disclosure



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