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Impact of Green Attitude, Green Satisfaction, Green Purchase Intention on Green Loyalty (Study on EIGER Adventure Store Sidoarjo Consumers)

Dampak Green Attitude, Green Satisfaction, Green Purchase Intention Terhadap Green Loyality (Studi pada Konsumen EIGER Adventure Store Sidoarjo)




Green Attitude, Green Satisfaction, Green Purchase Intention, Green Loyalty, Eiger Adventure Store Sidoarjo


This aims to examine the influence of Green Attitude, Green Satisfaction, and Green Purchase Intention on Green Loyality among visitors of Eiger Adventure Store Sidoarjo. The data analysis method uses in quantitative with a casual approach between variables through hypotesis testing. The population of this stufy is all visitors who shop on Egier Adventure Store Sidoarjo, with the sampling technique using non-probability sampling method with random sampling technique. The results show that Green Atittude, Green Satisfaction, and Green Purchase Intention significantly influence Green Loyality positively. The implications of this study are the importance for companics to pay attention to these aspects in efforts to build and maintain consumer loyallty towards envirollmentally friendly products or brands. This study contributes to green marketing literature by revealing the factiors that influence Green Loyalty from the consumer’s perspective.


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