Analysis of Underwater Friction Stir Welding (UFSW) Process Joint on AA6005-T6 Series Alumunium Alloy on Tensile Strength and Macro Structure
Analisa Sambungan Proses Underwater Friction Stir Welding (UFSW) pada Paduan Aluminium Seri AA6005-T6 terhadap Kuat Tarik dan Struktur Makro
Underwater Friction Stir Welding (UFSW), aluminium alloys such as AA6005-T6, tensile strength, macro-structures, variables of the UFSW processAbstract
Underwater Friction Stir Welding (UFSW) is a variant of the friction welding process which is used to join heat-sensitive metals by avoiding excessive temperature increases along the welding line by using water as a cooling medium because it has a high cooling effect. Additionally, the process is very energy efficient and environmentally friendly compared to fusion welding. The aim of analyzing UFSW process joints on AA6005-T6 series aluminum alloy on tensile strength and macro structure is to evaluate the influence of UFSW process variables such as spindle rotation speed, welding speed, and water pressure. The research results showed that the tensile strength was 12,006 kgf/mm2, and when observing the macro structure, no defects occurred.
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