The Influence of the Underwater Stir Welding Process on the Hardness and Surface Rougness of AA6005-T6 Aluminium Joints : Eksperimental Investigation
Pengaruh Proses Underwater Friction Stir Welding terhadap Kekerasan dan Kekasaran pada Paduan Aluminium AA6005-T6 : Investigasi Eksperimental
friction stir welding, underwater friction stir welding, hardness, roughnessAbstract
underwater friction stir welding on hardness and Rounhness in AA6005:T6 Aluminium Alloy:Underwater Friction Stir Welding (UFSW) is an innovative welding method that offers potential advantages in the production and quality of aluminium alloy joints. The applied method is experimental. The independent variable in this study involves feeding variations with a value of 10 mm/min, as well as three variations of materials with different hardness levels. The observed variable is the level of roughness as the dependent variable, while the controlled variables are the depth of cut at 0.5 mm and spindle speed at 2200 RPM. The results of this research obtained a hardness value of 51.6HV and the results of the roughness test obtained a value of 2374 RA.
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