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Local Food Product Branding Through Catalog Photos and Social Media Management Assistance

Branding Produk Makanan Lokal Melalui Foto Katalog Dan Pendampingan Pengelolaan Media Sosial




MSME, Training, Social Media, Branding, Marketing


The background for carrying out this community service activity is because of the existence of social media which has now become a habit and consumption for all groups to meet their daily needs. Social media can also help get work done, especially advancing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Sidoarjo area. This community service activity is carried out to promote local products and also increase the knowledge and skills of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) so that they can increase product sales/marketing by using social media platforms, especially Instagram accounts. The expected result of this service is to know how to create a logo to improve the image of MSME products and also how to create Instagram social media posts to make products more attractive. They are more interesting and also provide assistance in the production/design of product catalog photos.


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