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Evaluating the Effectiveness of the SQ3R Method in Enhancing Students' Reading Proficiency

Mengevaluasi Efektivitas Metode SQ3R Dalam Meningkatkan Kemahiran Membaca Siswa




SQ3R method, Reading proficiency, Student learning


Reading proficiency is crucial for language acquisition and comprehension. The SQ3R method, designed to enhance reading skills, has been underexplored in high school English settings. This study fills that gap using a mixed-methods approach with a Quan-qual model. Quantitatively, a true experimental design with control and experimental groups involved 54 class X students. Qualitative data came from interviews with four students. Results show SQ3R significantly improves reading achievement, as evidenced by higher reading test scores. Interviews reveal positive attitudes and increased reading motivation among students. The study highlights SQ3R's effectiveness in boosting reading skills and engagement in English learning, providing valuable insights for educators and curriculum developers.


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