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Design and Develop a Web and Whatsapp-Based Camping Equipment Rental Application

Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Persewaan Peralatan Camping Berbasis Web dan Whatsapp




Designing Systems, Tool Rental, Website


In this modern era, mountain climbing is becoming increasingly popular, creating opportunities for camping equipment rental businesses. With advancements in communication technology, especially through WhatsApp, facilitating communication and information access. The integration of WhatsApp into the camping rental application makes notifications easier for service providers and users. The purpose of this application is to streamline the camping rental process through efficient inventory management and WhatsApp notifications. Previous research indicates that the camping equipment rental system is still manual, prompting the development of a web-based system to improve efficiency. The waterfall method was chosen to guide the development of this application. Research stages include literature review, implementation, testing, and evaluation, focusing on system design and application features. Through the waterfall method, this research aims to optimize the camping equipment rental process using WhatsApp for notifications, MySQL database, user-friendly booking interface, and inventory management.


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