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The The Position of FIFA Regulation in the Sports Regulation Syistem in Indonesia

Kedudukan Regulasi FIFA dalam Sistem Peraturan Keolahragaan di Indonesia




Football, Regulations


The problem of resolving disputes between player rights and club obligations as agreed at the beginning of the agreement between both parties. If players' rights are not fulfilled as in the case above, the authority to resolve the dispute is through the courts or following the basic regulations of the football organization in Indonesia, in this case the All Indonesian Football Association, hereinafter referred to as PSSI. which is part of the International Federation. Football Association, hereinafter referred to as FIFA. In this case, if a football player prefers a resolution through court, then the problem will arise whether the court's decision can be the final decision and what authority the district court has in deciding disputes between players and football clubs considering that it is in the professional world. Football has the principle of lex sportiva which regulates the law independently


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