Design and Creation of Website-Based Information Systems for Sales Marketing
Perancangan dan Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Website untuk Sales Marketing
Information Systems, Sales Marketing, WebsiteAbstract
An information system is needed for PT. Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON+), a telecom firm, in order to manage sales and marketing data. The performance of sales and marketing is hampered by the manual and inefficient nature of the current information system. The purpose of this study is to develop and developing an information system for sales and marketing at PT. ICON+ that is based on a website. Case studies and a qualitative approach are used in this study. Through documentation, interviews, and observation, data was gathered. The information system that was developed and created can assist PT. ICON+ in managing sales and marketing data more successfully and economically, according to the research's findings. It is envisaged that PT. ICON+ would be able to meet sales goals and enhance sales marketing performance with the aid of this information system.
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