Implementation of a Web-Based Public Service Information System Using the Rapid Application Development Method
Penerapan Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Masyarakat Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Rapid Application Development
Information System, Community Services, Effectiveness, Web-BasedAbstract
This research aims to increase the effectiveness and optimization of services to the community in Pogar Village, Bangil District, Pasuruan Regency through the development of a web-based community service information system. The method used is Rapid Application Development (RAD), which consists of four stages: Planning, System Design, Development Process and Feedback Collection, and Product Implementation and Completion. The results of this research include the system user interface design, application flow diagram, and black box testing results. The user interface design includes a homepage display, population data, various types of letters such as loss certificates, transfer introductions, business statements, and unmarried/divorced information. Based on the results of the development of this information system, it is concluded that this system can help provide community services in Pogar Village quickly, effectively and efficiently.
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