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The Role of Price Discount, Hedonic Shopping Motivation, Shopping Lifestyle on Impulse Buying at the Shopee Marketplace in the East Java Region

Peran Price Discount, Hedonic Shopping Motivation, Shopping Lifestyle terhadap Impulse Buying pada Marketplace shopee di Wilayah Jawa Timur




price discount, Hedonic Shopping Motivation, shopping lifestyle, Impulse Buying


The research using a quantitative approach as a research method. Consumers who have made purchases at the Shopee Marketplace in the East Java region make up the population. The sample selection technique used was the Non Probability Sampling Technique with a purposive sampling approach, with 100 respondents determined using the Lemeshow formula. The data from this research consists of primary data, which was obtained through distributing questionnaires to respondents. Quantitative data analysis techniques using statistical methods were used to analyze the data. The statistical method used is IBM SPSS 25. Based on the research results, it was found that price discounts have a significant effect on impulse buying, hedonic shopping motivation has a significant effect on impulse buying, shopping lifestyle has a significant effect on impulse buying at the Shopee Marketplace in the East Java Region.


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