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Analysis Used of the Alfiyah ibn Malik Book in Nahwu Learning at the eLKISI Mojokerto Islamic Boarding School

Analisis Penggunaan Kitab Alfiyah Ibn Malik dalam pembelajaran Nahwu di Pondok Pesantren Mojokerto.




Analysis, Nahwu Learning, Alfiyah Ibn Malik


Qowaid Nahwiyah is one of the subjects that must be taught in Islamic Boarding Schools. Nahwu Science is one of the subjects taught at the eLKISI Mojokerto Islamic Boarding School. The aim of this research is to analyze the use of the Alfiyah Ibn Malik book, to find out learning practices using the Alfiyah Ibnu Malik book in class 11 of the Azhari program, and To understand why the Azhari Program is an Islamic school still use the yellow book (classics) as a learning medium. This research includes qualitative research. Data collection methods use interviews, observation, and documentation. The research subjects were coordinator Azhari program, Teacher Nahwu, and 11 of Azhari’s students. From the research results, it can be concluded that the discussion content in the Alfiyah book is 80 discussions. Learning practice with the Alfiyah book in Azhari in class 11 has three parts: Plannning, learning process, and assessment. 



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