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Water Temperature, Humidity and Ph Measuring Device to Maintain Plant Growth Using Fuzzy Logic Method

Alat Pengukur Suhu, Kelembaban dan Ph Air untuk Menjaga Pertumbuhan Tanaman Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic




Automatic watering, plants, fuzzy logic, temperature, soil moisture, water pH, Arduino Uno microcontroller.


It is important to maintain and take good care of plants so that they thrive. The process of watering plants is very important. Automation systems can help humans in many ways, such as watering plants. The author of this study created an idea about a tool that uses fuzzy logic to water plants automatically. Fuzzy logic is used to process temperature, soil moisture, and water pH, and produce a watering pattern that matches environmental conditions. Using an Arduino, temperature sensor, soil moisture sensor, and water pH sensor, this plant condition control device was created for this research. The system consists of two design stages: hardware and software design. The block diagram and wiring design are required in the hardware design, while the flowchart for the software design describes the method used. The purpose of this research is to develop a tool that uses fuzzy logic to automatically control plant conditions


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