Financial Fundamental Analysis of Vanamei Shrimp Farms with Various Concentrations
Analisis Fundamental Keuangan pada Tambak Udang Vanamei dengan Berbagai Macam Konsentrasi
Effect, Probiotics, Production Cost, Income, Vanamei ShrimpAbstract
This research aims to determine how much influence the provision of probiotic composition calculated into expenditure costs on the income of vanamei shrimp ponds in round ponds. The research method used was quantitative in 10 round ponds of vanamei shrimp farming ponds with 5 different probiotic concentration treatments. The data analysis used was variance analysis, variation coefficient, and 5% LSD test. That F Count > F Table 5% or 15.94 > 6.39. This shows that the administration of different probiotics can have a real effect on cultivation income at a significant level of 0.05. Then the value of the variation coefficient is included in the medium category with a value of 14%. In the 5% LSD test, the pool with a mixture of Trichoderma and Nitrosomonas probiotic treatment was the best treatment than the other four treatments by comparing the difference in production costs (variable) used and income obtained.
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