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Design of a Charity Box Security System with Ultrasonic Sensors and SIM900A Modules

Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengaman Kotak Amal Dengan Sensor Ultrasonik dan Modul SIM900A




Relay, SMS Gateway, Ultrasonic


Charity box theft is a prevalent issue, primarily attributed to the vulnerability of the boxes to damage. This leads to delayed response from mosque management. This study proposes a technological solution utilizing the Arduino UNO microcontroller and SIM900A module to alert administrators when the charity box reaches a preset threshold. The research employed a research and development approach involving observation, literature review, system design, and testing to achieve the study objectives. Results indicate that the ultrasonic sensor achieved 95% accuracy in detecting money deposits, while the relay effectively controlled the opening and closing of the charity box. The SIM900A module successfully sent an SMS to the caretaker at 90% box capacity. In conclusion, the device demonstrates its intended functionality.


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