A Effect of KAIZEN Work Culture, Work Ability on Employee Productivity with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable (PT. JATIM AUTOCOMP INDONESIA)
Pengaruh Budaya Kerja KAIZEN, Kemampuan Kerja terhadap Produktivitas Karyawan dengan Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Variabel Intervening (PT. JATIM AUTOCOMP INDONESIA)
KAIZEN Work Culture, Work Ability, Employee Productivity, Job SatisfactionAbstract
This study aims to test the influence of the KAIZEN Work Culture and Work Ability on Employee Productivity as an intervening variable. This is a quantitative study with a Pre Assy production population of 1500 employees and a sample selected in this study of 115 employees. The data collection technique used by the researchers was by using a likert scale model questionnaire. Data analysis techniques using SmartPLS, The results of the research showed that 1) the KAIZEN work culture influences employee productivity. 2) the work ability influences employees' productiveness. 3) the Kaizen work culture does not influence employee satisfaction. 4) the work capacity influences job satisfaction (5) the employee's satisfaction affects employee Productivity (6) the employment satisfaction does not moderate (7) Job satisfaction moderates the ability to work versus employee productivity.
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