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The Influence of Content Marketing, Customer Review and Live Streaming on Purchasing Decisions on the Tiktokshop Platform

Pengaruh Content Marketing, Customer Review dan Live Streaming Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Platform Tiktokshop




Content Marketing, Customer Review, Live Streaming


The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of content marketing, customer reviews, and live streaming of purchase decisions on the TikTokShop platform. Eligible Sidoarjo residents became the population for the quantitative methodology of this study. There were 100 participants in the sample research. The sampling method is random sample selection, or non-probability Sampling. Google forms and paper surveys are used to obtain the necessary information from respondents. Use the Likert Scale to rank survey questions. SEM techniques are used to analyze data, and Smart PLS version 4.0 is used to perform analysis. The findings show that variables for content marketing, customer review and live streaming have a partial effect on purchasing decisions. Three factors have been shown to have a good impact on purchasing decisions: (1) content relevance, (2) concern for other consumers, and (3) live appeal.


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