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Social Media Management Training in Improving Snack Food MSME Branding

Pelatihan Pengelolaan Media Sosial Dalam Peningkatan Branding UMKM Makanan Ringan




Assisting, MSMEs, Social Media


The advancement of technology can benefit various aspects of human life, including businesses. One platform that can be utilized is social media, which has great potential to assist micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in marketing their products to a wider audience and creating business competition in the current digital era. However, many businesses still struggle to adapt to digitalization, as experienced by MSMEs such as "Tahu Fantasi Kuy" and "Chancaroon". Both still rely on conventional promotions and less appealing product photos, hindering their business progress. Through lectures, simulations, and questions and answers sessions, this community service aims to provide understanding to business owners about the importance of branding and online marketing in the digital era. As a result, after receiving assistance, both businesses have understood how to build their digital branding using Instagram and present attractive product photos, leading to increased sales figures.


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