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Training of Branding MSME Piscok and Pukis

Pelatihan Branding UMKM Piscok dan Pukis




Training, Mentoring, MSME


A new way for people to become entrepreneurs is micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). However, some MSMEs find it difficult to attract buyers to be interested in the products they sell. Sellers of pukis and piscok, or brown bananas, have the same problem. The aim of this community service program by means of training is to educate consumers about how to attract customers with products. To make our production attract the attention of customers, there are several important elements that need to be considered. This includes the presence of a logo and product name, using a tagline to attract customer attention, and marketing the product via social media. The results of this training will help explain what logo, banner, menu list, packaging (stamp) and promotion on social media you want.


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