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The Useful of Social Media for Fish Floss Marketing on Dusun Babat Pasuruan Middle Business

Penggunaan Media Sosial untuk Memasarkan Abon Ikan Pada UMKM di Dusun Babat Kabupaten Pasuruan


  • Kharisma Frigiyanto Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
  • Poppy Febriana Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo



MSME, Instagram, Marketing


The purpose of it community service was built are to help the fish floss MSME, starting from promotion on social media where it social media. This community service activity goes through three stages, namely interviews and discussions, training and mentoring, and evaluation of the development of fish floss MSMEs. This form of training teaches how to photograph fish floss products to attract buyers' interest and helps create a business account on Instagram social media. Then the form of assistance provided to fish floss MSME owners is to see the progress of development in implementing social media and help evaluate the use of Instagram media. Fish floss MSMEs still market their products in the form of regular WhatsApp stories and through word of mouth. So fish floss MSMEs, which previously did not have an Instagram account, now have one. By having 23 followers and 15 posts on an Instagram business account.


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